In the course of publicising the wall art advertised to the right I received feedback from an online Art Site that got me thinking. I had just read Martin Baileys post of a few years ago in which he discussed when a photograph can be termed fine art and where I saw Pepper Number 30 for the first time, which also fed in to my thoughts.
from PetaPixel - click image to visit site |
The Art Site's feedback was simply that "a photograph of a zebra" can't justify the price of $ 4 500.
However, a "photograph of a pepper" justified a hundred thousand plus price tag when Edward Watson's Pepper Number 30 was auctioned for
$ 130 700 by Sotheby's.
Pepper Number 30 has been widely analysed and described for its artistic characteristics, merits and provenance, which is what justifies its proven value, while the Art Site made no input on these issues whatsoever so adds little value. Some feedback would have helped me to improve my evaluation by adding to my subjective feeling and the recognition and award the image got in a GuruShots Competition on Alluring Textures some time ago.
So can I please ask all readers to give me whatever feedback they feel would be appropriate for me in my attempts to sell this work. Just two things I have only sold works through stock thus far so need lots of help and I am intending to sell this work exclusively ie only one print will be made.
After getting your feedback I will give you my feelings now and also if/how I change my view after getting feedback.
I look forward to your feedback!